Commitment the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.
Synonyms: dedication, loyalty, promise,
As a family we will continue to unlock opportunities, set higher expectations, work on increasing attendance and parental involvement through your COMMITMENT.
Together we need to COMMIT…
- to being in school daily and on time at 8:00 am. Attendance counts! Please know that good attendance in school is a strong predictor of success in life. Students that miss a lot of school are more likely to fall behind. Therefore, we need you to commit to being present daily and on time.
- to academic success. Complete and turn in assignments in all classes and monitor the grades on the student/parent portal. Academic success will be rewarded!
- to connect. Students join clubs, sports and competitions that will enhance your Scorpions experience.
I believe that a successful school is founded upon a balance of love and solid instruction. We are committed to fostering a strong home-to-school connection to ensure our children can achieve their highest potential. Your participation in your child’s education is an invaluable support.
Join PTSA. Become a volunteer. Stay informed at, Instagram: kinlochmiddle Twitter: Kinloch Park Middle@KinlochPark
We are excited to have you partner with us on your journey. Please do not hesitate to contact us at 305-445-5467.
Mrs. Sylvia Coto-Gonzalez